
标题: 父母探亲加拿大签证DIY攻略:资料清单和模板分享 [打印本页]

作者: shhi    时间: 2013-8-23 04:25
标题: 父母探亲加拿大签证DIY攻略:资料清单和模板分享



注: 蓝色字体部分是官方提供的表格,必填项。
1申请表 IMM5257E记得点击"Validate"在页尾生成五个条形码,必要的地方让老人家签字。
2家庭成员表  IMM5645E必要的地方让老人家签字
3工作和教育 GEN_Emploment_and_Education_Form必要的地方让老人家签字
4申请材料清单 Checklist for Private _Visitor
5签证照片 去照相馆照2签证照 (非护照照,白色背景,35MM*45MM),相片背面写上拼音姓名和出生年月日。
6地址贴条 方便签证中心邮寄
8写明退休金额的退休证明 由原工作单位开具的证明,有中英文对照的最好。没有话子女给翻译一下。
9最近三个月的银行记录(存折原件或者网上打印的对账单) 现在银行存折和网上交易都有英文。如果没有,子女给翻译一下就行。
10固定存款证明 直接去银行开,具体是否需要冻结,不同银行不一样,咨询银行就是。开具的金额应该和你的申请表IMM5257E上金额吻合,位置在"Funds available for my stay"。
11房产证原件 目前看只收原件,完事后会和护照一起邮寄回来。
12出生公证原件 证明直系亲属关系,拿着户口本或者独生子女证什么的去公证处开就是了。

注: 下列所有文档都必须在抬头注明申请人的拼音姓名和出生年月日。

13邀请信给签证官的 英文的就行,网上有很多模板,稍后放出我自己使用的文件。
15邀请方住址人员清单 自己做一个文档,列举出加拿大住址里所居住者的姓名,性别,关系,联系电话等,稍后放出我使用的文件。
16枫叶卡PR卡扫描件 记得扫描正反两面
17SIN卡和健康卡 正常扫描
18雇佣信 你的雇主开具的employee letter,里面写明雇佣关系开始时间,职位名称以及税前年薪。
19银行对账单 网上打印最近三个月的银行交易记录(bank statement)
20最近3个月的工资单 我们公司没两周发一次薪水,所以提供了六次的发薪记录。





John & Amy Smiths
5935 Smiths Avenue
Burlington, ON L7L 1T1

Tel: 1-289-123-4567
Cell: 1-289-321-4567
Email: johnsmiths@hotmail.com

August 3, 2011

Beijing Visa Applications Center (VAC)
7/F West Area, Grand Rock Plaza
No.13 Xinzhong Xili,
Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027
China (PRC)

Re: Invitation Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

We, Amy Smiths and John Smiths, are Permanent Residents of Canada, residing at 5935 Smiths Avenue, Burlington, ON L7L1T1. We would like to invite Emma Smiths (John’s mother)  to visit us in Canada for around one month starting from early January 2012.

The purpose of this visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During their visit, they will stay with us at the above address and we will take full financial responsibility of her stay.

We will also guarantee that she will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Please kindly grant her Temporary Resident Visa.

Please do not hesitate to contact us via telephone or email if there are any further questions. 160.ca,加拿大家园

Best Regards,
John Smiths (Signature)
Amy Smiths (Signature)



本 文 来 自 加 拿 大 家 园 网

亲爱的老妈: 你好!





唯一有所遗憾的是,由于工作和生活的节奏很快,在加上西方没有中国的新年假期,我们没法回国和您一起过春节了。但是也很不愿意让您一个人在国内过年,所以我们很诚挚的邀请您来加拿大,让我们能在大洋彼岸团圆。 加拿大家园论坛

我们会带您逛逛我们住的小区,看看这里的超市和商场,走走这里的公园和自然保护区,当然尼亚加拉大瀑布是必须去的。另外,我们也需要听听您的建议,毕竟这是我们的第一个宝宝,缺乏经验让我们很紧张。 加拿大家园,www.iask.ca

实加拿大每一个季节都是美丽的。春天是花的海洋,夏天是绿油油的草地和晶莹剔透的蓝天白云、秋天是彩虹满山的枫叶、冬天冰雪覆盖白雪无垠,同样别有一番景致那便是纯洁无瑕。这里冬天还是挺冷的,虽然屋里和车里有暖气,但是室外还是零下的。所以,准备一件过膝盖的羽绒服还是必须的,那些高领毛衣什么的就不用了,那些衣物不容易脱,在室内穿着会很热的。 加拿大 家园网



·         前往加拿大: 南京坐动车到上海->在姨妈和冬冬哥哥住处休整一下->从上海直飞多伦多国际机场->我们会在机场等候您
·         第一周:倒时差,好好休整,尽情享受团聚的幸福时刻,我相信,见面的每一天,我们都是幸福的

·         第二&三周:  我们打算请几天年假加上周末带您开车出去转悠转悠。往南走,尼亚加拉大瀑布离这里很近,旁边的小镇也很有异国风情;往北走,多伦多、Brampton还有Scabom都是很值得看看的城市,领略一下加拿大的中国城是什么样子的;这里还有很多自然保护区,带您领略和小鹿、小兔子一起走山路的感觉

·         最后一周:带您在加拿大的超市和商场走走,看看这里的物价和供应,另外准备回国给朋友、亲戚的礼物。 加 拿 大 家园网






Invitation Letter


Dear Mom, 加拿大家园论坛

How are you doing now? 加拿大家园,www.iask.ca

Time flies! It has been four months since we landed on this strange land on March 4th 2011.

Everything went pretty well afterwards. We are getting used to the new environment. We have our dreamed car and can drive around to enjoy the good view here; both of us received complement from our bosses and customers; we purchased a new house and just moved in, it is our dreamed accommodation with large windows and three bedrooms; surprisingly Amy is pregnant and we will have our baby on January next year.  When we look back, we can hardly believe all of these happened within four months!

We love Burlington, the city that we live in. It is a wonderful but small city with 150,000 populations. People here are very nice and kind, even strangers say Hello to each other, drivers are very polite, they usually stop to let others pass. Burlington is also one of the safest city in Canada, you won’t lose anything even if you forget to lock your door or car. The whole city is next to Ontario Lake, and built on a forest. There are lots of parks & conservation areas. You can always see rabbits jumping around cars & houses.

In a word, we are very happy now, and we’ve never regretted the decision to immigrate to Canada! 加 拿 大 家园网

The only thing that we feel sorry about is that we cannot return China for Chinese New Year, because of our job here. You know there is no Chinese New Year vacation in Canada. But we don’t want to leave you alone in China while others are having family reunion. Therefore we sincerely invite you to pay visit to us this winter.

We can show you the city we live, people, parks, stores etc. We can take you to Niagara falls, Toronto, a thousand islands etc. What is more important, we want to have advice from you regarding pregnancy. You know, this is our first baby, Amy & I are very nervous and worried, books here are for Canadians, and Asians are so different which require special treatment before and after having a baby. We need your suggestion & guide.

Someone said that winter is a bad time to visit Canada. I would say it is true & false. Canadian views in four seasons are different and each one is the best. Green grass in spring, colorful flowers in summer, red maple leaves in fall and white world in winter, all of these are enjoyable. However, it is cold here in winter, so please be prepared. Down Garments are always necessary. But don’t worry too much; it is usually above 22 degrees indoors.

If you can fly here, I will be fully in charge of your travel arrangement. One month is not too long, but long enough to take a look at Burlington and cities & towns nearby. Amy and I will take full financial responsibility of your stay, as you might know, 7 CNY = 1 CAN, don’t argue this with us, because we earn CAN here! Never take too much cash with you, but credit cards. Visa & Master card from China work well on Canadian POS.

Here is a draft version of your travel plan; I might adjust it according to your status:

·         Departure from China: you can take train from Nanjing to Shanghai, don’t take large luggage, we will prepare everything here in Canada. Then you can take a rest at aunt’s place for a while, and fly directly to Toronto Pearson International Airport.  We will be expecting you there. 本 文 来 自 家 园 网
·         First Week:  Take a good rest and recover from jet lag. Meanwhile I am sure this family reunion will be very happy and unforgettable.

·         Second & third week: We plan to take a leave to drive you around. Niagara Falls and Niagara-on-the-lake are must-to-go places in south; Toronto, Mississauga, 1000 islands are also wonderful in north.
·         Last week: SHOPPING!! Prepare gifts for friends in China.

I hope this plan looks good to you, and look forwards to hear from you soon. Please let us know your decision, so we can book your flight from here, meanwhile you will need some buffer time to apply for VISA.

Again we really want to meet you here in Canada!! 家 园 新 闻

Sincerely your son,
John Smiths


List of People in Inviter’s Household

John Smiths

Amy Smiths



Relationship家 园 网


5935 Smiths Avenue, Burlington, ON L7L 1T1

Home Phone


We, John Smiths & Amy Smiths, certify that all the information above is completed and true. 加 拿 大 家 园 网

John Smiths (Signature)

Amy Smiths (Signature)

来源: 新浪博客 作者: 茶礼O白羊座

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