生活在大学时代的我们,无论专业(commerce, economics, actuarial, engineering, computer science),年级,背景(留学生、CBC),打入心仪行业都将会是最终的挑战。
成功打入Bay街的学长学姐为大家解密: 如何在众多简历中脱颖而出?
CA/CFA/精算证书, MBA/Master的含金量到底多少?
理工经济等专业的同学怎样打入Bay街? 千万不要错过本年度最大规模,为中国学生量身打造的BCC2013! BCC2013,将邀请更多嘉宾,增加更多版块,呈现更多视野! 面对面中文Network:在去年的基础上,我们扩大了嘉宾阵容,增加了networking时间,嘉宾总人数将达到近50人!这是绝无仅有,面对面networking,用中文交流的机会! - 内容范围广:嘉宾来自Big Four、投行、私募、Consulting、保险公司。并新增MBA/Master和CA/CFA等designation的版块(NEW!!!);
- Insider Info: 多位嘉宾在公司内部参与Recruitment,能向我们提供秘诀: 到底什么样的简历受欢迎?如何在面试中脱颖而出?
- 简历Drop-Off: 准备好你的简历,有可能得到嘉宾珍贵的referral机会!!!
- 站在中国学生的角度,对症下药!!找出中国学生的困难所在,提供解决办法!!!!
- 面向各年级:大一大二,早日着手准备,在peer中stand out;大三大四,面临就业,与行业内部人士如此亲密接触,BCC2013是你的不二之选!
- Non-Profit:BCC所有的收益都将用于帮助贫困山区的孩子创造更好的学习环境!
- NETWORKING的机会不可重复!去年参加过的同学们,也一定不要错过BCC2013!进一步扩大的嘉宾阵容,让同学们能与嘉宾们更深入的交流,更有机会给他们留下深刻印象!
- Follow up! 活动后也有机会与嘉宾长期交流!只要你自信,优秀,善于提问;嘉宾一定会在你日后的学习生活中给你更多的feedback,助你一臂之力!
- BCC2013的独特优势!一次性呈现Bay街各行业的华人嘉宾,直截了当解答我们的问题!抛去华而不实的部分,我们一次性切中命题!
酷炫的嘉宾阵容: 金融/投行:TD Securities, RBC Capital Markets, BMO Capital Markets, CIBC World Markets, Scotiabank Global Banking, HSBC 四大/会计:Deloitte、Ernst &Young、KPMG、PwC、TD Bank 咨询:McKinsey & Company、Level5 Strategy 保险及其他金融机构:Manulife Financial、TD Asset Management、MFS Funds、Moody’s 详情: 时间: 11月15日,5:30-9PM 地点:OISE Auditorium 票价:early bird每张$25; 团购discount三张$60 带着小伙伴一起来买票每张5元优惠哟! 点击本页上方的 “Buy Now” 键,轻松网上付款(VISA,MasterCard,银联,Debit 等等)。建议大家赶快购买,防止出现售完没有座位的尴尬情况哦!带好你的简历与疑惑,我们BCC2013见!本次活动全部所得捐助中国贫困儿童 **************************************************************************************************************************** Designed for Mandarin-Chinese speaking students and young professionals of all academic backgrounds, the conference showcases possible career paths in the world of business. Guest speakers are from major Canadian financial institutions such as Deloitte, TD Securities, BMO Capital Markets and RBC Capital Markets. Topics of discussion include investment banking, management consulting, accounting and auditing, as well as actuary. Our speakers will unveil the dynamics in each field by talking about the unique role and responsibilities of their job and a typical day at work. The speech will give you not only a general idea of what, for example, investment banking is about but will share the speaker’s personal recruiting experience as well. Drawing lessons learned from their own experience, the speakers provide guidance and advice on how to break into the field. Participants will have the chance to submit their resume to ECE staff on site to be reviewed by ECE executives and the speakers. Selected candidates with good credentials will gain a referral for his/her future job applications. All proceeds of the conference will be donated to rural China through ECE’s future projects for building schools and libraries.
官方网站: http://www.eceducation.ca/