报名:请联络我报名,网课,使用zoom 招生年级:9年级,班级上限:6人
内容:本课程将教给学生9年级所需要的非常重要的学术课程阅读和写作。学生们将学习如何总结,段落,话题性句子,短语,新闻报告以及论文写作。学习阅读策略,如何阅读和分析文学作品,人物,短片小说,论文,非科幻类文体等等。本课程适合想要学习高中论文写作以及阅读文学作品的学生提高英语能力。 This course teaches the reading and writing skills required for Grade 9 academic studies. Students will learn how to summarize, paraphrase, develop topic sentences, paragraphs, news reports, and essays. Students will also develop reading strategies that will support their comprehension of literary devices, plot and character development within a variety of texts such as poems, short stories, articles, essays, and other non-fiction texts. This is an excellent course for students who would like to master reading and writing skills in preparation for high school or for those who would like to improve their skills.