目前在新移民当中比较流行的合同雇佣关系有两种:CONTRACTOR 和SELF-EMPLOYED。
对于后者Self-Employeed,例如HOME BASED BUSINESS,则无须这个规定。购买汽车的贷款利息,汽油费,检修费,保险费,洗车费,租车费和驾照费等都可以包括在交通费用当中,但是停车费应酌情考虑,如果是个人私事停车不能扣减,反之与以上费用同样处理
还有报税方面也有一定的区别,给总结一下。普通的Employee和普通Contractor拿的是T4, 但是independent contractor,拿的是T4A.(Self-Employeed就是最简单的一种independent Contractor,还有两种independent Contractor,就需要注册公司了)
An individual who works according to his/her own methods and judgement. The independent contractor's work is self-directed and decisions concerning methods used for accomplishing contracted jobs are made without interference from others. The contractor could be, for example, a plumber, truck driver, doctor, or electrician.
下面主要介绍independent contractor的特征
Is the employee able to control, or generally regulate through supervision, the activities of the individual? the releveant fact is not whether the control is exercised, but rather that it can be. As well, methods of termination are an important consideration. The more control, the more an individual is perceived as an employee.
Contract for service
The contracting of an individual for a specific service and a specified result with supporting documentation is a strong indication of independent contractor status.
This common law test assesses whether the individual forms an integral part of the hiring organization's business or is an accessory to that business. Further, from the contracted person's perspective, integration refers to the extent that an individual operates his/her own business independent of the hiring organization.
Ownership/Economic Reality
An independent contractor owns his/her tools or other materials necessary to perform the contracted sergice. Further, that ownership extends to various things usual to an independent business. e.g, the opportunity to profit, risk associated with a business venture, and investment in the business.
Independent contacter status must be confirmed by the CRA afer the person has made application outlining the terms of employment, a ruling by the Canada Revenue Agency does not automatically mean that the applicable pronvincial ministry/department responsbile for revenue matters will takes the same position.