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安居乐业 发表于 2017-10-1 01:00:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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What You Should Know before Moving to Niagara Falls                                                                                       

Niagara Falls is a small vibrant city located in the heart of the Niagara Region. When it comes to quality of life, Niagara Falls has other communities beat. Where else can you enjoy all the amenities of a large urban centre in a comfortable, livable community?

If you are new to Niagara Falls or planning your move, get started here:

Real Estate
The Niagara Association of Realtors has a website that contains real estate listings and agent information. A Property Tax Calculator is available to help you find out how much property taxes are within Niagara Falls.

Jobs in Niagara Falls
The City of Niagara Falls has current opportunities posted to our website when they are available. On that page, you can also subscribe to our RSS feed to be notified whenever a new opportunity is available.
The Niagara Falls Employment Help Centre provides assistance to job seekers also. Visit their website to get contact information.
The Canadian Government also maintains a Job Bank that will assist you in finding employment in and around Niagara Falls.

Schools and Education
There are multiple school boards and post-secondary school options in Niagara. More information about the different education options and links visit Education in Niagara Falls.

What Niagara Falls has to offer
Visit the Business Directory to get information on the businesses in Niagara Falls. There are over 1000 businesses listed in the directory that provide products and services to the residents of Niagara Falls. The Events Calendar and My City Guide will show you what fun stuff there is to do throughout Niagara over the course of a year. Check out some of the great Municipal Parks that are maintained and beautified by City Staff. Niagara Falls has a brand new Community Centre with a skate park too!

Local Utilities
Getting information about utilities in Niagara is just a click away. Visit the Local Utilities page for full details.
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